alarm maintenance business

Mobile: 0408 359 072

HomeAlarm Repairs

We Fix Faulty Alarms in Melbourne


Helpful security tips to avoid false alarms!

Low battery and Loss of Power: After 3 years the typical backup battery in a system will be very low or completely flat. In this case Alarm Maintenance will replace it and also give the system a full service. Home security systems contain batteries that have to be replaced. Alarm systems give you a trouble status when the battery levels are low and in some cases a low battery can trigger a false alarm. Loss of mains power can also be the cause of faulty alarms. An alarm system battery supplies back-up power to the alarm system during loss of mains and should always be in good condition

Faulty Alarm System Control Panel: Old security alarm systems can cause many false alarms and should be replaced or upgraded if needed. There is always the possibility of a faulty alarm system, keypad, panel or movement sensor causing a faulty alarm.

Regular Maintenance: You should conduct regular maintenance to ensure that the devices and other home security equipment are cleaned, and working the way it should. Objects, dust, water leakage, spider webs, and movement sensor fittings can be many reasons for faulty alarms.

Doors and windows sensors: If a door or window is in poor condition, it can easily be moved by the wind and trigger an alarm. Doors that are locked with a deadbolt are more sturdy and can help faulty alarms.

Proper fitting: When a home security alarm system is fitted, it is important sensors and devices are correctly fitted according to Australian Standards and manufacturer's recommendations. If you're fitting a do-it-yourself home security system, you must be careful so you can minimize faulty alarms.

Heaters and coolers, pets, rats, and insects: Some movement detectors can be triggered by heaters and coolers left operating when the alarm system is activated. Some motion detectors can be triggered by pets, rats, or insects. If you own a pet, be certain your home security system use "pet-friendly" sensors; otherwise, pets movement around the house will trigger and activate a false alarm.

User error: You may simply forget to disarm your security alarm system. Easy to forget when you are in a hurry. Please don`t forget when with trusted relatives and friends who disarms your alarm system, they understand how to operate the alarm system correctly or this may cause false alarms later on. (example: Let them know how to disarm the alarm system if it goes off for any reason). Also please read your user manual properly as there will be some handy info for false alarms.

Preventing Breakin`s - Navigator keypad Video - info on crime website Explore crime by Location in Victoria


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